Application Guide

Never applied press-on nails before? No worries, we've got you covered. Check out our step-by-step guide to applying your nails, ensuring they look great and stay put.

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Click the button below to learn more about the application and removal process for press-on nails.

1. Preparing Natural Nails for Press-Ons

a. Clean your hands and nails thoroughly. Use soap and water to ensure all dirt and oils are removed.

b. Push back your cuticles using a cuticle pusher.

c. Trim and file your natural nails. Short nails will support the press-on nails better and prevent lifting.

d. Use a nail buffer to buff the surface of your nails lightly. This provides a better grip for the adhesive.

e. Wipe your nails with an alcohol pad or acetone to ensure they are completely dry and free of oils.

* The adhesive might not stick well if there's any oil, lotion, or dirt on your nails.

2. Best Method for Applying Press-On Nails

a. Choosing the right size: Make sure you choose the correct size for your nails. The adhesive tabs should cover your entire nail without overlapping onto your skin. If the adhesive tabs are too large, they may not stick properly and could lead to the nails falling off.

b. Applying the adhesive: Remove the adhesive tab from the sheet carefully. Apply it to your nail, ensuring that it aligns perfectly with your natural nail. The adhesive should be smooth and free of any bubbles.

c. Peeling the backing off: After the adhesive is properly positioned on your nail, peel off the backing paper. Be sure to do this gently, as a rough peel may distort the adhesive, causing it to lose its shape and stickiness.

d. Applying the press-on nail: Position your press-on nail on the adhesive, aligning it with your cuticle line and the sides of your natural nail. Press down firmly, hold for a few seconds, ensuring the nail adheres properly

d. Repeat for all nails.

3. Waiting Time for Adhesive to Dry or Set

After applying your press-on nails, avoid getting your hands wet for at least an hour. Water exposure can weaken the adhesive, causing the nails to fall off.

4. Trimming or Shaping Press-On Nails After Application

you can trim or shape press-on nails after application. However, be careful to use appropriate tools like a nail clipper for trimming and a nail file for shaping. Use gentle, consistent pressure to prevent any damage to the press-on nail or dislodging it.

5. Maintain your nails

Avoid using your nails as tools or putting too much pressure on them as it can weaken the adhesive bond over time.

6. Recommended Way to Remove Press-On Nails

a. Soak Your Nails: Start by soaking your hands in a bowl of warm, soapy water. Leave them submerged for around 20-30 minutes to help loosen the adhesive.

b.Gently Lift the Edges: Once your nails are well-soaked, take one hand out of the water. Gently insert the flat, pointed end of the orangewood stick under the edge of the press-on nail. Do this carefully to avoid hurting your natural nail.

c. Push the Stick Under the Nail: Continue to gently push the orangewood stick further under the press-on nail. Do this slowly and avoid forcing it. The goal is to gradually separate the nail from the adhesive.

d. Remove the Nail: As you keep pushing, the press-on nail should start to lift and eventually pop off. If you feel resistance or pain, stop and soak your nails for a bit longer before trying again.

e. Repeat for All Nails: Once you successfully remove one nail, repeat the process for the rest.

f. Clean Up: After all the press-on nails are removed, there may be some adhesive residue left on your natural nails. You can gently scrape this off with the orangewood stick or buff it off with a nail buffer.

g. Moisturize: After removal, soak your nails in warm water and then apply a good hand lotion or nail oil. This will help to keep your natural nails and cuticles healthy and hydrated.

* Never force the nails off, as this could lead to damage to your natural nails. Always be patient and take your time during the removal process.